Transatlantic culture bridge

Brigitte Mulholland on opening her gallery in Paris and giving to the city
Tibo V.-Ducimetiére, WHITEHOT MAGAZINE, Avril 23, 2024

Paris feels like it's on the verge of a little renaissance these days. As the city prepares for the Olympics, it's also absorbing the energy London left behind after Brexit, gradually building a position of cultural capital of Europe.


It's in this context that many artists and galleries are settling here, including Brigitte Mulholland, former Senior Director at Anton Kern, who recently opened her contemporary art gallery on the renowned rue de Turenne. 


A dark teal storefront entirely renovated for the occasion, right across from Perrotin and the unique neoclassical church of Saint-Denys-du-Sacrement (you can't really miss it).

We met up a week after the inauguration of April 13th. I was naturally curious about a New Yorker opening a new gallery here, especially one 5 minutes away from home -- and the energy that night felt like both the results of months of hard work, and the realisation of something the Parisian art scene had been awaiting.